
ASSALAMUALIKUM ! hey walkers :) visit this entry? do likes, do follow ! :D in turn, i follow you bck hun <3 kbai , GRRR :3

Sunday, 1 January 2012


sekarang, mood tngah bnyak ckp.. TOO MANY I WANT TO TALK ABOUT :3
nak start dri mne? bhaha
let me decide :PP
okeh, dah dpt idea nye..
we gonna to story about MY FRIENDS :)
indeed !
jyeahh, okae, nak speaking kerr? alolo,, x pndai sngt 
#bajett, tahuu lah =='
xpe kite try, wokeh?
bhaha.. friend is just too good.. i hve friends.
too many, till cant count how many :P
yeke? tiputipu.. :DD
so, theres a lot people who has different attitude, opinions and etc..
my friends? are simple !
behave good, being besties :)
sometimes, i cannot put up with their behaviour.. but, as i think over it, [is it my friends could stand with me? accept the way i am?] huh, thats what always in my mind. . =='
thats why, if they could be a good friends to me, why not me too , roitee?
if you take good care of them, they possibly doing same thing to you.. same goes to you <3
if not, they're not .
haven't hear this phrase?
yes ! you do !
sharing can make the friendship more stronger..
it doesn't matter if you want to share anything you want or could, as long it can make both of you stay as a good friends :*
when they are sharing, they also caring each other..
so keep it buddy !
behave yourself, and dont make they take heart about your words because this might make the FRIENDSHIP is about to break.. and its over then..
no friends, no buddies, no sharing, no popcorns, no movies, no laughing at all and this will make you alone after, and after :(
how sad when there are no friends surround you :I
pathetic life that you must go on .
so, make more friends.. dont ever care about others.. and be as you do.. i mean, being yourself is better than trying to be another person.. this can make your friends accept you :) as you do <3
for me my friends are part in my life ! theres nothing important in SCHOOL LIFE EXCEPT WE HAVE THE COOL FRIENDS :)
they taught me the mean of SCHOOL LIFE that i've been searching before..
much than none :)
till next ,peeps
for the first time, i <3 you .

thankies to the readers :DD

new year eve :)

hey peeps :)
harituuu MAAL HIJRAH rite?
maal hijrah ne bersama berpindah.. means what? pindah rumah? pindah sekolah? pindah kerja?
no, no, and no. bkan smue bnde tuhh.. ak x reti nak definisi dgn btol or tpat tpi,, boleh lah ikot bhse rojak campor ak.. :)
MAAL HIJRAH kepada ak?
-tahun baru
-tutup buku lame, bukak buku baru :)
*dose taon lepas, dah habes tules. tules utk taon baru lah plak :DD teheee *semangat*
-so selepas maal hijrah, ak automatically pkir yg ak ne dah brtmbah umo, x kesah lah tyme tuu belom hjong taon lagi..
-pastuh, berhijrah kearah kebaekan :)
etc:- dari pkai seksi2, pkai tudong, tutop aurat :)
-dari pegi clubbing, pegi masjid solat dhuha  :PP
-minum arak n berjudi, pastuhh berhnti..
buat mksiat, berzina or wtvlah, pastuh stop, x nak dah..
ituuu maal hijrah yg ak pham lah klau ikot syllabus buku teks agame islam :PP
bhaha,, entry kali nhe maybe AGAK boring . tapi ak try nak tules sbb rase perluu *teweee*
memandangkan harii nhe FIRST ENTRY AK IN 2012 , ak jadikk semangat lah :3
1st JANUARY 2012 :)) tahun baru, azam baru rite? aleh2 ak dah 15 secara rasmi and will facing PMR soon :)) so berazam:-
fon? x bwak lah =='
kapel? mne pernah , LOL :P
maen2? krgkn lah kowt.. :DD
mkan? ehh msok carta jgak ke? bhaha
ituu lah azam tahonn baru 2012 yg superrr adventure neh , grr :3
bile ak tngok balek title entry kat atas ak terpikir
#ak adee sebot x sal NEW YEAR EVE? owhh belom lagihh rupenye =='
okae ckp psal new year eve nhe,, smalm tngok tv, channel tv3 gtuue :*
MERIAH GILE KAT I-CITY, SELANGOR wokehh! jeless nyah ! awwww :I

i-city lahh nhe :*

semattt dohh, siap adee feris wheel lagii ! awww mmg superbb <3

dengan show fireworks bagai, aduhh! klau stay kat selangor, comfirm pegii! xpexpe, tngok kat tv pongg jadi lah =='
mcm budak ne =='

tapi klau ikotkn nak smbot tahun baru, MUSLIM sepatotnye, dok kat masjid bace YAASIN.. ne dok karaoke.. ORG CKP LAH =='
dont blame me , grrr :3
x pelah, msalah dorglah, ak x pegi nak takot ape.. x buat dose pongg bhahah ..
well, only this super short ridiculous entry yg bolehh ak sumbangkn utk readers yg tengah buat muke boring bce entry tah pape nhe.. soryy hun, x de idea lahh ==' lagiponww ak dlam mood PACKING STUFFS TO BRING TO MY COLLEGE..

so, till then readers :)
okae waitt for me, for the new entry soon :))